Dusty R wrote:
We have a 2015 Itasca Spirt 27Q on a Ford E-450.
The seats do swivel around, but the coach floor is 3-1/2" higher than the cab. Because we spend the winter in the mh I take the seats off the bases and with angle iron raise them. This a bit of a task, but is a lot nicer to sit in. It would be nice they were also adjustable up and down.
Maybe I should do some shopping and see there is an after market seat available that not only swiveled but also went up and down.
Dusty ... you're right on with that desire for a swivel + up/down underseat frame for the stock passenger seat on E350s and E450s! I'd pick up one of those up in a flash if I could find an after market one.
I love our Spirit's "basement design" such that the outside storage compartments are really useful for a lot of storage, but that 3-4" difference between the cab-coach floors really makes a swivel + up/down passenger seat necessary.
I wonder if big rig truckers' seats swivel plus adjust up and down?