Skid Row Joe wrote:
I've got some rugged after RV manufacturer's aftermarket flimsy airbags failed on my '02 Ford 24' 7.3 Powerstroke E450. I wish I remembered the brand and online source for the beefy aftermarket brand airbags I then procured. They've held up for a lot of years now, and, a lot of miles. If they ever fail, I won't know their sourcing.
Do you have brakes on your #10K capacity car hauler trailer? Your trailer loaded, seems 70% of your coaches weight. Is that safe even with trailer brakes? Just wondering. ??
The motorcycles are up front and the FJ Cruiser has to be a little to the back. Measured tongue weight was about 8% of total. That is too light, despite it being about 650 lbs.
The equalizer snug it down and it towed perfectly on my first tow, about a month ago.
Regardless, I installed the Airlift, airbag system for the E350. It is a HUGE game changer... Love having the system. Since I am riding on 'air', the ride is so much smoother and more planted.