wjschill wrote:
Do air bags really help with the ride and sway of the coach? Also, is it best to have them on front and back?
If so, what cost can I expect for installation?
Newby to motorhomes, so don't laugh!!
Keep in mind each bolt on item has a primary effect and secondary, both good and bad. Air bags mostly help with regaining normal ride height after loading which will help to limit the suspension bottoming out on the frame bumpers. They will have some effect with stiffing the suspension and attenuating sway also. The rear axle usually needs the most help.
Material and installation will vary with who you buy from and where you live as local cost of living will effect labor rates. Average shop labor can run as much as $120 or more an hour and you might be looking at two hours per axle or about 8 hours. I did the work myself and order the bags (all four axles) off of Amazon for abut $600. Onboard compressed air ran me another $300 for material. Personally the improve was OK but better shocks and changing the geometry of the sway bars had a much bigger improvement for sway and ride for a lower cost. If I had a do-over I would try Sumo Springs.
Before you started looking at bolt on stuff get the coach in the driveway. You might be pleasantly surprised and the new to you rig needs nothing.