Forum Discussion

busyguy's avatar
Sep 12, 2013

air ride seat

Since I have logged over 2.5 million miles as a over the road trucker I have always thought about putting air ride seats in the motorhome for me and wife. I have air so thats no problem. I have thought about using seat bases from and old tractor but,would still like the swivel aspect on the seat. Any one done this to there coach? I know some of the big boys have this feature already. Any ideas? I asked this a few years ago and didn't get much feedback.
  • Peterbilt makes some cloth Airride, 2 armrest, hiback, swivel seats that won't show wear after 425,000 miles. Go ahead.
  • I think many would enjoy the comfort of them and they could even be made to swivel, but I think most people and manufacturers would not like the look of such an industrial looking chair in their coach.

    They could be fun for date night!:o