You could run a jumper wire (Automotive jump start grade) between house and chassis to charge but...
Some motorhomes come with a bi-directional isolator relay, This is controlled by a device we call a BIRD (BIdirectional Relay Delay).. what it does is connect house and chassis together once the voltage on EITHER side is high enough to indicate charging.
Some (many in fact) do not, so there is a device called a Trick-l-start or by another more expaensive company, echo-charger, this is a simple 3 wire device (House positive, Chassis positive, Ground) device that offers the reverse path, you connect it at your isolator solenoid since all 3 points exist there.
IF you have old fashion V-Belts.. Check them for tension (Long story 5 different cars (2 of 'em mine) re-tensioning the belt made a big difference).
If you have a serpentine belt.. Make sure you actually HAVE a serpentine belt.. Short story ... There is another thread on one of the forums I visit where ... It was missing.