Obvious communication problem....that said, IMHO, it's YOUR responsibility to convey to the service writer what you want done. They can't be mind readers that you shut off a water valve. When they checked, nothing leaked, so they're good. It was your responsibility to make them aware of changes. Also, again, my opinion, but if I wanted someone to buy and install a certain sat system, I'd have checked it out on line to ensure I was getting the best possible deal. If that had been done, YOU would have known it was out of production. Begin by looking in the mirror and learn from this experience. If it's important to YOU, then put everything in writing when talking with the service writer. I've done this on occasion to ensure things are done to my satisfaction when I return. Things should be kept simple and understandable.
i.e. there was a water leak at the kitchen sink that I want repaired. When I turn the faucet on it leaks on the cold water side. I've turned the valve off so it doesn't leak. Here's the sat system I want installed, if it's not available, please call and we can discuss alternatives.
I'm sure if you'd done that, you'd be a satisfied and happy camper at this point...leave nothing to chance and you won't ever be disappointed......Dennis