Assuming you have this BATWING Antenna with the dipoles added...
This antenna would be pointing to the transmitter station to the right of the photo... AFter you crank up the Batwing you have to rotate it towards the local transmitting HDTV station.
This is one of the best antennas you can have to pick up the OTA HDTV signals in your RV...
You might want to inspect the RG cable that comes up from the crank -up assy and make sure it is not frayed anywhere... You can disconnect it from the BATWING antenna and use a regular MULTIMETER and see if you can read 12VDC from the the center pin to the ground side of the connector. This is the power coming up the cable when the BOOST BUTTON on the Antenna WALL PLATE Panel is pushed. This is the power to operate the PRE-AMPLIFIER inside the BATWING Antenna...
If you don't read the 12VDC Power when the antenna panel button is pushed in then you may have a break in the RG Coax going down to the Antenna Panel...
Looking on the back of the Antenna Panel the antenna connector on the left of this photo is the RG cable that goes to the BATWING antenna...
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Roy Ken