First off, just like Por 15, I have no affiliation with this outfit, make no money from them, and so on.
I stumbled onto this on YouTube, (where else)?
I did not know this was "A Thing". It is indeed "A Thing", though. What, you ask?
Well, people have been using this paint, which is kind of a rubber-ized paint, and paint their cars to change the color, and later will peel the paint off, and repaint with a different color. They are known as "Dip Heads". Yes, you read that right. Dip Heads. Lol.
This stuff seems to stick very well to a variety of different substrates, including ones that are rusted, which is how I stumbled on to it in the first place.
As such, I pulled out a piece of rusty steel and proceeded to "test it out". (No shock there)!
That is how I ended up "bloody-ing up the floor, with the red paint.
Here are a FEW of their colors, that I am playing around with.
Evidently, as long as the rusty surface is dry, and free of loose material, this will stick.
It is not meant as a permanent repair, as is Por 15, but it evidently will last several years, in order to buy some time, until you can get to work on your project.
No, I am not looking to extending my project for a few years. This is actually meant for another vehicle of mine, not the motor home, so don't panic.
If you want to do something, you will find a way.
If you don't, you will find an excuse.
Good judgement comes from experience.
A lot of experience, comes from bad judgement.