During the winter in Arizona I recommend a low elevation city in Western Arizona anywhere between Bullhead City, AZ. (900 feet above sea level), Lake Havasu City, AZ. (450 feet above sea level) and Yuma, AZ. (200 feet above sea level). Central AZ. Phoenix and Tucson AZ. can get really cold when the Artic cold drops down they can get into the low 20's and both those cities are around 2,000 feet above sea level and in Eastern AZ. Grand Canyon is around 5,000 feet above sea level and Flagstaff is close to 7,500 feet above sea level! Coldest I've been in at Lake Havasu City, AZ. when the Artic cold hit was 33*. Don't dig in the dirt in AZ. and keep your mouth and nose covered when the winds blow to reduce your chances of contracting Valley Fever. 66 out of 1,000 people get Valley Fever. Not trying to scare you just trying to prepare you for the entire Southwest! If your traveling with a pet dog or cat walk them in a grassy dog park or on the pavement, keep them out of the dirt. My Vet in LHC (Dr. Buckman) told me he treats one dog a week for Valley Fever in his office on Smoketree Ave. if it's not treated immediately in animals it's fatal.