Typical converter chargers charge very slowly to avoid boiling batteries out of electrolyte. All converter chargers will deplete electrolyte levels a certain amount rquiring periodic replenishment. Modern ones may have faster intitial charge rates but still take hours to charge house batteries, charge time also depends on condition of batteries and how discharged batteries are to start with. The chassis alternator should charge house batteries more quickly while driving to the next campsite.Charging house batteries using the RV generator near other campers is not practical. Hooked to shore power, charger should charge house batteries during daytime unless 12 volt power is being used to run the furnace, wonder fans, etc.
I read about a couple who ran their generator all night long because they liked running the air conditioner and having it cold for sleeping snugly covered up. That could be dangerous to your health or at least make you unpopular with other campers.