SJ-Chris wrote:
To add an extra battery, I converted (on Majestic 28a RVs) one of the small driver side compartments into a battery compartment. One battery fits with a little room to spare. I drilled some holes in the side of the compartment for ventilation. I also added some straps underneath and to the frame to give it additional support. With this, I was able to add a 2nd battery to my Majestics. No problems for several years so far.
I also have a 23' Class C RV. It came with 2 batteries in the entry step that I replace with GC 6v batteries. I notice that on this 23' RV I also have a small compartment on the driver's side that I have never used, but in theory it could be used for an extra battery. Maybe your 23' Majestic has a similar storage compartment you could convert.
Good luck!
Chris, I am looking to take possession of a 28a next fall, roughly Sept 15th. Yea I know, a long way out, but I have to clear the decks and it will take a fair bit of coordination. My sis lives in Mesa and so I want to buy through that location so I can fly out and observe the refurb, inspect it, fixing everything found etc.
With no ability to lay hands on one of these units I am a bit nervous.
Do you know where the original battery is located? Is it tight or is there a lot of room around it. I would like to replace the original with a 200ah lithium, or even 300ah if there is enough room. Likewise I'd love to get 800 watts of solar panels up on the roof before heading back home to NC. IIRC you put solar on your roof. It looks like a huge area back at the back of the roof. Any thoughts on these things?