DryCreek wrote:
Well, what's the consensus on the Wingman - worth the additional cost to add it?
I've been looking at it, and it's not that expensive. We get pretty good reception as it is, but anything that helps when in fringe reception areas might be welcome.
As far as aiming, ever since we've had digital receivers on our TV's, I've been able to call up the signal strength on the INFO bar and use that to aim the antenna.
X2. Trouble with the TV's SSM is that the current RV has an early 1080P set without the SSM. Darn I miss that. If I had the feet for the one in the RV, I'd buy a new one and install it in my garage so I could drown out the DW while I'm puttering. Just kidding, I'd donate it to someone but without the feet it requires someone buy a wall mount , not a real gift eh?