I added an outer valve after the two tank valves. When I dump, the black goes first, then I close the outer valve and open the gray, this flows with some force into the back tank, close the grey, open the outer valve and dump the black again, repeat until the tanks are empty, then close the black valve and either flush multiple times or fill a bucket and dump it in a couple times, then empty again. Also you want to have a clear extender so you can be sure you are running clean when you are done. Biggest issue is too much TP and not enough water. When we get ready to use the head, we make sure we have at least a couple buckets (3-5) gallons of water in the tank. Do not hook up and leave the valves open! You need to make sure the tank fills and is liquid. I rarely use any chemicals, although on occasions I will use a bottle or two of one of the orange based solutions as opposed to one of the harsh chems. I