Two problems neither of which stranded me but could have.
Cummins 5.9 Allison 5 sp
National Carribean - Spartan Chassis
Mileage 18,000
Left home (One mile) start getting electrical fault code which clears
Decide to stop by Cummins Mid- South since it is on my route.
Fault code comes and goes during 60 mile drive.
Finally three miles from Cummins, code stays on and power drops to 50 percent. Limp into Cummins.
They run pc on system finding faulty Crank Shaft Position Sensor.
Replaced and on road in couple of hours, also replaced oil sending unit.
Mileage 24,000
Trip West
Fuel system
Leaving Yellowstone - noticed engine cranked longer than normal.
Engine cranked longer on each of three successive stops
Could not find reason but have had a history of loosing fuel pressure.
Make it to son's in Washington and shut off before going to his rv hookup. Decide to move to hookup. Engine cranked but would not fire, test of fuel pressure was very low at injectors but within specs at fuel pump. Unit was towed (another learning exprience)to Eagle Freightliner where some water was pumped from fuel tank (thought to be the cause)Actual cause was a faulty VP 44 fuel injector pump which Cummins replaced. No other serious problems at 32,000 miles.