5 breakdowns but never stranded.
Blew heater hose going to rear heater.
Symptom:temp gauge rise, no heat from front heater.
Fix: bypassed heater and filled with water from fresh water tank. If your coach does not have any place where you can hook up your fresh water hose to one of the faucets, you can by an adaptor from any waterbed store. Replaced rear heater hoses once I arived home. (This happened at night, many trucks wizzed by me a couple feet from my head while under coach, not a good feeling.)
Had water pump start leaking
Symptom: temp gauge rise, no heat from heater
Fix: used leak stop until I got to my destination and then replaced.
Blew front heater hose. You'd think I would have replaced all my heater hose from before...
Fix: Bypassed until got to my destination and replaced front hoses
Radiator started leaking
Symptom: Temp gauge rise, no heat from heater (this is starting to get old real fast)
Fix: Copper powder Stop leak. Replaced radiator once I arived home.
Lost brakes
Symptom: Noticed excesive pedal travel when slowing down for cops. So thinking something may not be right, I gave myself plenty of extra stoping distance when I slowed to get off freeway. Hit an open stretch of road with no traffic and did a full test of brakes, I basically had none, I could slow down better by downshifting. Drove real slow to destination.
Fix: Replaced leaking master break cylinder.
I always keep stop leak, oil, antifreaze, trans oil and lots of tools with me at all times.
Coach has ~80K mi GM 454 w/475 trans - Custom FWD drivetrain.