Got a tank of bad fuel at exit 2 in GA in July 2004. Went about 150 miles, genset started surging and engine wouldn't make power; less than 2000 rpm, backfiring, etc. Hobbled to next exit, thinking it was ignition , thought about the genset surging, guessed about the gas and filled it up with 93 octane. Started it up and it has been fine ever since, another 2000 miles so far. Bottom half of tank must have had water or something.
ALso have a weird thing going on with the front brakes. THey have performed fine the whole trip, down steep grades, etc but overheated in stop and go traffic and boiled out fluid, losing pedal. I had them bled with high temp (Castrol LMA) a year ago. Taking it in to a Commercial Ford Truck place this Wed. THey are turning freely. I measured them when the were hot with my IR temp gun; over 500 degrees. After cooling, now read nid 200's. Going to replace calipers and master cyl for starters.