RV particulars: 1996 Beaver Monterey
Driveline (Engine, Transmission): CAT 3126 300 hp, Allison 3060
Miles: 40,000 or so
Year: 2003
Break Down Description:
Symptoms: clanging noise from right rear
Effect: MH still drove OK and brakes worked. Slowed down and drove to nearest city (Forrest City, AR). Parked at Wal-Mart (Sunday). Called Good Sam ERS, and agreed to wait until next day for assistance. They sent rep. from White Motor Co. We drove MH to White's shop.
Cause: They found bolt holding right rear disk brake assembly in place had sheared off.
Outcome: White drilled out broken bolt and installed replacement. Bolt and repair kit (shims, etc.) had to be ordered out of Memphis. That took one more day. Total cost: $363.20, plus motel.