RV Particulars: Winnebago Sightseer
Driveline (Engine, Transmission):
ford 6.8 liter V10
Miles: 26,666
Break Down Description: Engine wouldn't fire, battery power good, gas tank full, fuses good.
Cause: self-tapping screws used someplace under the bed were screwed into fuel pump wiring harness eventually breaking through wires.
had to get towed 75 miles, watching repair shop drain 90 gallons from a supposed 75 gallon tank, they dropped the gas tank to get at the fuel pump (we originally thought it was the fuel pump) and found the exposed and broken wiring. This is the 3rd instance we've had with Winnebago and their self-tapping screw problem. They fall out all over the place (causing 1 flat tire). I just have to wonder if they have any idea what they are screwing into when they build their bodies!