We've just bought our new motor home (2006 Newmar Scottsdale) and drove it home (a 150 mile trip one way), parked it in the driveway, and began planning and packing for our first vacation. We were to leave tomorrow morning, but now we can't because our automatic leveling jacks won't come down. They're stuck. We had driven it only to gas up, then returned home with it, and now can't get the jacks to come down. We've called the manufacturer of the leveling jacks for help. They tried over the phone to walk us through some things to see if it would work, but NO luck. Now, we've got to postpone the vacation, and make the 300 mile roundtrip back to the dealership for them to work on it. I'm having major anxiety attacks about what we have gotten ourselves into. We're not even out of the driveway yet! At least it is fixable, we think, and it is drivable. When our friends heard we bought a new RV, they all have said, "Oh, you're going to have so much fun!". I am beginning to seriously wonder if the fun will ever happen!