We were traveling with some friends a few years ago in our 30" gasser going through Seattle on I-5 when I looked in the rear view mirror and saw smoke pouring out from under the motorhome. Pulled over and found a transmission cooler line had fractured right where the farrel is going into the transmission. We unhooked the Jeep and drove to the nearest grocery/auto parts store(no joke) and bought a 18" lenght of 3/8" rigid line and spliced it in. Added a couple quarts of Dexron and away we went. All of this in afternoon/evening rush hour traffic.
Then the following year with the same couple of friends going to Mt. Rushmore when we were pulling into Custer, SD his Itasca decided it didn't like the 100 degree temperatures and quit running. We unhooked our Jeep and pulled it to a wide spot in the road. We fired up our generator and A/C and let everyone hang out is our coach while we worked on his. Found the ignition coil was going south on him. It had too high resistance. I packed some ice around it turned the hair dryer on cool and cooled it down enough to bring the resistance down enough to go the next 10 miles to the campground we were staying at. When we got camp set up we got a new coil and all was well until three days later going into Sheridan, Wy when his motorhome started acting up again. This time as we were coming off the freeway about 300 yards from the KOA entrance. Again unhooked the Jeep and towed him into the campground. Found a bad fuel pump so the next morning we proceeded to drop the fuel tank and change out the fuel pump with the updated Ford unit. The rest of the trip was uneventful and when we returned home he put it up for sale. He was done with RVing. I tried to tell him that this is part of it but I don't think he believed me.
Last February with our new coach we were about 1/2 mile from home just leaving for a weekend shakedown run with the new coach and it died. We coasted to the side of the road and started to troubleshoot. After about an hour and a half of diagnosing and testing I found the wire that goes to the front television lockout was shorted and kept tripping the circuit breaker for the main power soleniod. I unhooked it and off we went. By this time it was pitch black outside and I was frozen, my wife was sitting in the nice warm coach reading a magazine and I asked her if she still wanted to go and she said hell yes we are on vacation(even though I could have thrown a rock and hit our house). So off we went and had an enjoyable weekend. I guess you take the good with the bad. Still wouldn't give up my RV. Mike.