pkunk wrote:
metalmangler wrote:
"...Chassis battery's runs down.
Outcome: Replace battery's (less than a year old, Interstate batterys, would not hold a charge.)"
Batteries less than a year old not holding a charge? That's a symptom, not a cause, even if it caused something else in turn. You'll be doing this in about a year (or less) again, unless you can isolate & correct what causes it.
I stopped buying interstate batteries because they die within a year.
Want a good RV battery? look into Optima.
If you are killing Interstate batteries in a year then something is incredibly diffrerent with your setup or usage/procedures. The variables here are many.
I've used almost every type of Optima battery in many different settings and can tell you that Optima batteries are not a magic pill, either. They sound good and work well in high vibrational situations but I think that for RVing are an over-kill. Wet-cell batteries--used and maintained properly--will last as long as AGM batteries and vise-versa.
On the other hand, due to your habits you may be drawing-down the Interstate battery too much and killing it so an AGM battery, more forgiving in this area, may be for you especially if your habits/usage/procedures do not change.
Based on your situation you probably didn't have enough wet-cell battery capacity to begin with. And sometimes its impractical to try to add additional cells.