farmingdad wrote:
i have 04 monaco dynasty when i am driving on interstate atc light comes on when i put dn to floor on hills coach starts jumping , i reset the reset buttons still does it. anybody out there no anything about this,
I think that the problem may be a non-problem actually but a condition that occurs when you reach the maximum rpm for the engine and the coach shifts to a higher gear to protect the engine. Then the engine and transmission sense a overload condition and immediately shift back to the lower gear and the sequence starts all over again. The solution is to ease off the throttle a bit and keep the rpm just below maximum. You will need to read the tech data on your engine and find out what the max pulling rpm is for your engine. This will be different than the unloaded max rpm such as when you are using your exhaust brake if so equipped. The ATC light is coming on because it senses the same condition as a loss of traction.
The next time this occurs try backing off the throttle a bit and see if it stops the problem.