Driveline: Chevy 7.4L, Allison AT542 (P12 chassis)
Year: 1998
Break Down Description #1: Loss of chassis electrical power leaving gas station
Symptoms: none
Effect: no power, autopark brake engaged
Cause: failed battery disconnect switch
Outcome: towed to repair facility, however, I bypassed the switch before the repair facility opened and regained power. Cancel northeast trip and started to return home b/c of the possibility of breakdown #2. Drove 300 miles before we experienced ...
Break down description #2: autopark brake engaged while in construction zone - not moving at the time
Symtoms: autopark light would stay on longer than normal, then would not go out
Effect: park brake engaged, rv would not move.
Cause: blown seal on autopark brake actuator
Outcome: Added transmission fluid to autopark brake to move to shoulder, had rv towed to MIL house 32 miles away. Disabled autopark brake system and drove almost 400 miles to get home.