RV particulars:Winnebago sightseer 35g
Driveline (Engine, Transmission):Ford V10
Break Down Description: Lippert Levelers will not function. Display says we have a low voltage condition with the engine off there is 13+ volts at the Brain output with the engine running we have 13.6 volts on all outputs. I took it to a service provider on the road they were unable to find the problem. I was not confident in the techs competence. I will try replacing the brain when I am more stationary.
Symptoms:Levelers will not work was able to retract them manually but could not level manually.
Effect: unable to extend or retract
Cause: Connecting pin on white power lead corroded and pin broke off on the motor side of the 12 pin cable between the brain and the motor. This is a water tight connector but I suspect that water entered the connector causing a voltaic corrosion of the lead.
Outcome: I did not feel that replacing the entire cable was necessary so I snipped the wire on both sides of the connector and reconnected them in their own water proof connector. This may be a good solution since the hot wire is now isolated from ground.