Badeye started it over a dozen years ago with the idea of compiling the reported information into some sort of useful organized reference. The compilation was theorized reasonable after 100-150 posts, but there are now over 700. Badeye still exists as a member, but none of his 2700+ posts are discoverable, at least not in my searches.
The original thread was made into a Sticky, but without Badeye's or anyone else's wherewithal to attempt the compilation or design its format and how it might fit into this venue, I think the administrators are content to simply let the thread ride as is. That's fine, but my take was that the original intent was to formulate a useful reference material, organized and searchable such that all could benefit from it.
I think one of the problems was that many posters didn't follow the format Badeye laid out for their reports. It no doubt was designed to assist him whenever the time came to analyze the reports and organize them. Despite several of us, and the administrators, over the years trying to get people to follow the guidelines, they more often than not just didn't take the time to do so. This made Badeye's intended task much more difficult.
At 100-150 posts, that might have been a daunting enough task for Badeye or anyone else; but at 700+ it may now be beyond any potential volunteer's constitution.