A couple times over the years, I've experienced loss of power after driving the motorhome most of the day, in warm weather at higher altitudes. Each time, the engine would die while driving on the highway, and it would stay dead until the engine cooled. The first time this happened, we replaced, I think (it was 10 years ago) the MAP and MASS air sensors. Last year, the engine died on a hot day after a long drive in the high desert of Arizona and New Mexico. This time, a local engine repair place said it was due to 2 things: 1. hot gasoline vaporizing as it returned to the fuel pump, and 2. a weak fuel pump. The cure? Replace the fuel pump, now 12 years old, and keep the fuel tank more than 1/2 full when driving at altitude in the summer, so the cool gasoline would keep the fuel returning to the pump cooler. Not sure why fuel returns to the fuel pump, but then, I'm not an expert on motors. Seems to be good advice, tho', since I live at altitude in Denver, and the 2 times this problem happened were in Denver and Albuquerque!
Motorhome: 2004 Fleetwood Southwind, 32vs, Workhorse Chassis.