I notice every one here is just posting prices to wax an RV. As the owner of a mobile auto detailing company. Pricing is a little more complicated than it sounds. When you want a Wash-N-Wax done to your RV or trailer you should ask the company or person doing the work. What kind of wax are they going to use and how are they going to apply it? These two questions are necessary because you have no idea of the experience that person has as an auto detail-er. The price will differ depending on those two questions. Paste waxing an RV in my opinion is extremely unnecessary. Now maybe you swear by paste wax and that is alright, but you should pay the person doing it a premium. Because that is just down right labor intensive. Next you have a spray wax. Spray waxes are fantastic for a quick budget friendly form of protection and should be used as needed but some detail-er's will charge you as if they are using a buffer and all they are doing is using a spray wax. Then you have cleaner wax. Cleaner wax has fine abrasives in it to help remove minor micro scratches, blemishes, etc. Cleaner wax should be used with a random orbital buffer. There are some detail-er's who will use a rotary buffer and I don't know why. Maybe they came from an auto body shop, maybe they don't know any better. Who knows? To me its like taking a jackhammer to remove floor tile. Unnecessary. Rotary buffer are not bad I use them all the time. But using one just for wax is in my opinion is incompetent. Last you have just pure liquid wax. A good quality wax is just for aesthetics and protection only. Now that we know there are many ways to wax an RV or trailer pricing should be specified by size of vehicle, type of wax, and how it is applied. A large percentage of our work is with a random orbital buffer and Meguiars Paint Reconditioning Cream. I really like MPRC because it allows me to change from a wax pad to a cutting pad if I have to get a little aggressive in order to remove bugs or tough blemishes. Generally if I send a crew of three employees out for an RV Wash-n-Wax I charge $6.50 lf with no oxidation and depending on size of unit it takes 3-6 hrs per vehicle including all hand work. Hopefully every one can use this information as a guide for any future wax services. If you have any questions feel free to message me, call me or you can leave me a message on my forum I just started @ www.promobileservices.net/rv-detailing.html#/
every picture on our site is a vehicle we serviced.