westernrvparkowner wrote:
Capturing overnighters with a 16 mile round trip to the main road is a tough fight. It will be even tougher without any natural draw such as a well known attraction or a moderately sized town. You will need to advertise like mad to begin with.
My advice would be to make the building of the park your last step. Investigate the costs of substantial advertising and insurance. Be sure your zoning allows it. Zoning often requires site surveys, public hearings, engineering reports and on and on.
It is my third hand understanding that New York can be a real pain when it comes to regulatory rules. This will be especially true with potable water that is not a municipal system. The wastewater disposal system, the size and location of bathrooms, ADA requirements are all regulated and if you do it wrong the regulators don't offer backsies . There may very well be fire codes regarding roads, site density, access and the like. Be sure your roadmap to building that park is clear of all the pitfalls before you start moving dirt.
NY state is probably the most over regulated state going, I know from experience. We developed commercial properties all over NY for a lot of years. As an example here are the NY Dept of Health
REGULATIONS regarding campgrounds. That is just a teaser because then you have the Local/County folks, the NYDEC folks, and a whole slew of others who all will have their hands in your pocket, and nothing will be cheap. Wait until you jump through the NYDEC hoops.
With campsites being so hard to get if you go by the constant posts on RV boards, what do you think the reason is why you don't see campgrounds being built everywhere? It's not as easy as moving some dirt and throwing in a few no frills sites out on the back 40, especially in NY.
Not to mention you'll probably have the NIMBY's to deal with.
I'll take a wild guess at it. Land cost aside because the OP already owns it. Minimum campsite size is required to be 1250 sq.ft. I would not be surprised in the least that to develop the sites alone with electric and water only, its going to be somewhere in the neighborhood of $18K per 1250 sq ft site at a minimum. Possibly a substantial amount more. And the dump station? Ca-Ching.