wa8yxm wrote:
There are two different light systems in those handles,
One is a replacable light, the other a hard wired LED,, More on that later
In both cases they are in one of the end brackets, Which one depends on who assembled and wired your rig, Remove a bracket and see if you got lucky.
Now the replacable one... You can get a lamp at either an auto parts store or Radio Shack depending on the lamp.
IF you have the LED type...
LED's should last longer than the rest of the motor home, BUT in order to make it brighter they used a series resistor that is several sizes too small.
Go to Radio Shack
Get a JUMBO, HIGH BRIHTNESS, LED of the color you wish (yes you get a choice)
Get a 450 Ohm resistor (NOTE, 450-500 is fine, You have some wiggle room)
Remove the LED and Reflector assembly
NOTE if the leads on the thing can be easily reversed (Some can, Some can't)
IF they can be easily reversed (The wires that connect to the RV)
Unsolder the existing resistor and LED,
SOlder in the new resistor and LED
Drill the hole in the reflector out so the LED will fit, re-assemble and connect, TEST, if it works, GOOD, if not reverse and try again, Should work now.
Re-assemble handle,, And enjoy
I've done two of 'em so far. (2 different RVs)
wa8yxm, thanks for the help. I finally got time to pull the handle off and mine is the LED type. Got power at the wires on the small PCB, so I'm off to Radio Shack to get an LED & resistor. Looks like I have room to unsolder the existing and replace. I know LED's are supposed to last a long time, but this little dude is not. Thanks again for the help.