The DMV website has complete and correct info on buying an out-of-state vehicle.
DMV site I cannot get the link to the correct page to work here. Go to Vehicle Registration, then "Buying and Selling," then "Buying an Out-of-State Vehicle."
Pay special attention to registration issues and to sales tax issues.
I just copied this off that linked DMV site:
"If you are a California resident and acquire a new car, truck, or motorcycle from another state, it must be certified to meet California smog laws to be registered in California. This includes certain diesel-powered vehicles. DMV cannot accept an application to register a vehicle in California that does not qualify for registration (California Health and Safety Code §§43150 - 43156).
What Is Considered a New Vehicle?
California considers any vehicle with less than 7,500 miles on the odometer at the time of purchase or trade by a California resident or business, to be a new vehicle. This is true whether or not the vehicle has been registered in another state.
Aren't All Vehicles California Certified?
Not all new vehicles are manufactured to be sold in California. Many manufacturers make vehicles to be sold only in the other 49 states. These vehicles (49-state) are made with smog equipment that meets federal emission standards, but not California standards. California-certified (50-state) vehicles are made to be sold in California."