In regard to site poachers not taking your site in park that keeps track of things, is not accurate, and it happens more often than most would ever think. It has happened to us several times. One time in Custer State Park in South Dakata, we came back from a quick trip to the store and the hosts were at the site putting our stuff back in order. Poachers came in threw all our stuff into the brush and setup, and then started arguing with the camp hosts that because we didn't have a vehicle there, they should be able to take the site, which had been paid for for 3 more days. Hosts had to call main park office to talk to them, and they still didn't go until they said they were calling the sheriff to remove them. The site poachers count on being able to intimidate someone coming back to their site, especially if it after hours and the park office is closed, which is happening earlier all the time. They just refuse to leave and dare you to call the police, who really don't like, and shouldn't need to do, campsite enforcement.