โSep-07-2014 05:17 AM
โSep-07-2014 08:30 AM
โSep-07-2014 07:20 AM
โSep-07-2014 06:51 AM
Porsche or Country Coach!
If there's a WILL, I want to be in it!
โSep-07-2014 06:12 AM
โSep-07-2014 06:00 AM
Mbylone wrote:
Has anyone encountered a situation where the car battery looses its charge and they say it has something from the MH drawing power from it? After a few days of sitting, I have to charge the battery to start the vehicle. I was told by the dealer to take it to a Chevy shop to address. At the Chevy shop, they tell me it is because of some draw on the battery from the MH. We always leave the MH with the plug inserted into the outlet. When they take it out, they say the draw stops on the car battery. The dealer says this is impossible as there is not connection from the MH batteries to the car battery. NO one wants to fix it. Any suggestions?
โSep-07-2014 05:56 AM
โSep-07-2014 05:33 AM
โSep-07-2014 05:19 AM
Mbylone wrote:
Any suggestions?