tiffinboy wrote:
Mr mark we have almost identical coaches weight and engine wise.I have never seen 9.8 average ever.I have seen 8 maybe but my trips involve a lot of hills and mountain passes so that hurts at around 1.5MPG so perhaps if I was to go 1000 miles on flat freeway I would see 9.5 or better iam sure.I installed the
adjustable Electronic Fuel pressure regulater and that seems to help under normal throttle and gives better power.adds around 40-60HP
Tiffinboy, when I say '9.8', it happened on one tank of fuel (actually maybe 2 or 3 times) but it was a perfect low wind day probably driving east as the wind usually blows West to East (in the southwest) and the terrain was probably almost flat. If I remember correctly, my Aladdin computer system states that our total average is 7.3 mpg over the almost 65,000 miles I have on the coach.
On edit: I generally run 400-600 miles before I fill up so I get a good run for figuring fuel mileage. Only a few times have I let my tank get down to 1/4, normally I fill up at about 1/2 tank.