I drive a school bus. About a month ago, I had the left front wheel fall off due to bearing failure. I did not have any students onboard at the time, as it happened first thing in the morning. Had no real warning then, "bam", front end on the ground due to a wheel bearing failure.
Was doing about 55 on a rural highway when I heard a loud metal screeching sound. It only lasted a split second. I though maybe one of the defroster fan motors had failed. Then, I noticed a little road walking from the front end. Within seconds, the left front wheel assy fell off the axle end, and went rolling into oncoming traffic as I skidded onto the shoulder. Pretty scarry for a minute. Wheel went into the ditch and did not hit anyone. We have a great preventive maint program, and inspect busses daily, but it can still happen at anytime.