jjrai wrote:
Paying cash is the best way to enjoy the freedom. Have you been searching Criagslist? There are always interesting Units coming up.
That's where I got my B. The dealer was so happy to finally sell it, they delivered it 150 miles. I see an occasional A or C class that might work but I'd have to sell my unit first. Then, once it's sold, I'd be without one until I could find something else.
Twice I drove it to work with my suitcase and a cooler in it, made a reservation for that night and the next at a campground and left from work. I had hoped to do that this weekend but I'm on call until a week from Monday. Bumer, but it pays for the travel.
I want to make Momma happy, but I really want a smooth transition. I've seen a bunch of ads for people looking for a class B or camper van. There was one conversion van that I thought about but it didn't have the roof a/c. Mine works great and I don't handle hot weather very well. I'll chisel ice on my T-shirt. Get it hot enough and I want to hide inside under the a/c outlet.
My unit is showing it's age. It's an '89 with the paint that they used back then. (Peeling.) 90K on the clock with a puff of blue from valve guides when I start it. A bit of a white knuckle drive in cross winds but otherwise a comfy ride. If I watch my overhead, I can go just about anywhere.