My experience with starting batteries is , if they deplete too long for a period of time their life is shortened.
Isolate the battery. Why dont you remove the cables, clean them and the battery terminals. Top off water and charge the battery fully while not connected to the rv.
After you charge it and remove the cables put a volt meter on the battery to check voltage, 12.6 Volts plus is fully charged. Leave the battery tor a few days to a week and check it again, see if its still fully charge at 12.6v. See if it holding its charge.
If not, you probably have a damaged cell and i would replace it.
If your rv does not have an emergency cut off switch then you need add one or remove the cables while you long term park it.
On the new battery or if the old one is acceptable , install an inexpensive cut off switch, like a knife switch onto the battery terminal. This is used to kill the power flow from the battery.
You will need to eliminate any parasitic drain that your truck is causing on your battery. Its being drained over time while sitting idle. Depending on the amount of the drain idle could be a week or more.