"CGeorge"....You'll get all kinds of brand suggestions that work best and they do...if you use them.
I washed all my cars for years with dish soap until I realized it worked well, but was hard on the wax I put on the month before.
So first, find a brand of car wash soap at Walmart or where ever you shop. All of the major wax guys make a soap product. I buy Meguiars car wash soap in a one gallon clear bottle....the soap is gold in color. Again, any brand as long as it's a car wash soap.
My next mistake over the years was washing with the SOFT bristled brushes. My coach was washed before every trip and always looked nice, but I probably waxed it more than I should because I was too rough with it.
I have a brand new coach that I now wash with one of the microfiber pole cleaners. It looks like a mop with bigger threads. Again, Walmart sells these and so does everyone else. About $15.00. I have one at home and one in the coach.
Many use a bucket, dip their scrubber into soapy water and wash their coach. I always found this to be an extra step. I take an old dish soap bottle (the one with the squeeze tip) fill it with the car wash soap and use it to squirt on my scrubber, pole or hand mitt. I wet the coach, squirt the soap on the scrubber and wash about half of one side rinse and do the rest.
Waxing.....My coach gets waxed three or four times a year. A lot of this has to do with your physical ability and how you typically care for your vehicles. Some like liquid, some like spray on and some like paste. They all work, as long as you put them on. Many will come on here and say they use this wax or that wax....it doesn't really matter. Wax or polish will only last for X amount of time depending on where you live and the conditions you drive in. I've got a cupboard full of wax brands I tried. I now just use one until it's gone, throw out the container and move on to the next. I've settled in on Meguiar's paste wax and NuFinsh liquid depending on how motivated I am. They are sold at Walmart.
When you wash your coach, you'll know if the wax is getting tired. If you can't physically do it yourself, often its cheap to have someone come by twice a year and pay to have it done, especially on a new coach.
My final advice, especially if you live where the love bugs are a problem, wax the front end more often. It usually only takes a few minutes because the windshield takes up half the surface. I take about 20 minutes and wax the front end before every trip and the bugs just fall off. Even while on the road, I'll use 303 or Pledge and just hit the front end to keep it clean and bug free.
Again...buy whatever products you want...as long as you use them frequently. Walmart has one of the best selections. Use a soft brush and towel dry. If you don't want to go up on a ladder, wrap your drying towel around a push broom and dry the walls with the broom, rotating the towel around.