Your blog/rebuild looks awesome! Way more detailed than I'll be.... lol I had good intentions of taking a lot of pictures along the way, however when I have a buddy here to help me, I feel bad stopping to take pictures. I took some pictures before, a few during once things were accomplished, and will take some more as I finish up. Mine was not near as extensive as yours either! Thanks goodness!
On a separate note, when I was at Camping World the other day getting supplies.... The lady behind the counter talked me into becoming a GoodSam member. She gave me a discount of like 30%, sold me the membership with roadside assistance etc etc, and threw in 2 folding chairs for $59. Now I just need to find some time to read about it all and figure out what all I can use this membership for! As I mentioned earlier, my wife has some dr. appointments today so I guess we'll head that way and hope to finish this camper up this afternoon with interior probably later this week.
Want to say thanks to everyone that has offered support and guidance for this project! I was a new member here and didn't know if anyone would even reply thinking maybe I was a spammer or something. THANKS!