Rick and Vikki,
My understanding would be that you have a total of 4 6 volt batteries 2 each connected in series (for 12 volts) and the two 12 volt groups connected in parallel giving the total 12 volt amperage to the coach. Assuming the batteries are all the same age and one has failed due to age, sulfation, ect., conventional wisdom would have you replace them all. That said, and there is some controversy here, but if you are confident in the condition of the other batteries, you can,technically replace just two--the known bad one and its 6 volt mate in that 12 volt series. Many lab and field test have demonstrated over the years that the charging system can compensate for differences in batteries wired in parallel (such as batteries of different amp ratings and to some extent ages) but not when wired in series. I'm sure I may get some push back on this, and rightly so, because as a practical matter batteries are generally replaced all at one time in a given bank. However, that may not be always necessary if they were not purchased/or been in use, the same period of time.But clearly only in parallel wiring thus the minimum of 2. Kind regards.