Forum Discussion

S_Gillis's avatar
Feb 02, 2020

Coach Power Switch

Beaver 2005 coach with switch on entrance stopped working. Would love any suggestions on what is likely cause; solenoid / fuse / or switch?
Batteries are charged, coach is parked until spring.
Thanks in advance from Steph now in small town in British Columbia.
Sorry switch is for Coach Power
  • need better description. What is coach power switch??? 120 volt Main breaker??? Or 12 volt battery disconnect? Sounds like battery disconnect.
  • Again, is Coach power 12 volt or 120 volt.? Are you referring to the Battery disconnect switch at the front door of the MH? (sometimes called a Salesman switch by newbies) It is a low amperage switch controlling a high amperage relay. Just like the starter on your car.

    The word POWER can mean 120 volt AC or it can mean 12 volt DC. Two different systems.

    Disconnect switch can mean 12 volt disconnect switch or 120 volt disconnect switch.

    Not picking on you. "What we have here is a failure to communicate".
    a problem in a forum world.
  • Dead battery not powering the switch to energize battery disconnect would be first to check.
    Bad battery disconnect relay.