westernrvparkowner wrote:
sanlass wrote:
So I backed into a tight campground with my 32 foot Newmar RV, and although I new I'd brushed a few tree limbs, felt it went well. Until I got home and discovered a small branch impaled on the top of the side wall. Not in the roof, but the metal curve just beneath the roof. Called insurance but until the adjuster get out to view it, is there a way to protect it from the rain? BIt of a tear, about 12 inches long. I am not sure if I can remove the branch and patch with tape until adjuster gets to it, or if I should try something else. ANy thoughts?
Take a few pictures and then remove the branch. It is actually your obligation to mitigate against any future damage whenever you have an insurance loss. As a temporary fix, duct tape should be the easiest and cheapest.
WEsternrvparkowner got it right. You are obligated to take action to prevent further damage. Whichever of the suggested remedies should be fine assuming you are planning on a professional repair, eterna bond seems to be overkill in this case.