I think you could make a general correlation but as said The lifestyle dictates more than the RV. Sure Having a new $600000 RV indicates you may have the net worth/ income to be very active with either resort living or constant travel, golf, touring and dining out. I would also be surprised to see someone with that level RV with 25,000 budget, at least it would not be the normal.
I do think the % isn’t “fixed “relative to the RV. it declines as the max budget is reached I’ve met several full timers with big ticket rigs snd lifestye and would guess their budget to be around 100-130 grand. Not 200 While the sky’s the limit certainly I would think realistically the range falls between there and the 20,000 range no matter 65g RV to the 1mil rig. I’d suspect many folks live in a modest rig and have a large living budget by choice.
Sometimes the cover doesn’t reveal the book and that’s just fine