Forum Discussion

JerryDT's avatar
Apr 23, 2015

CRT to LED TV - installation recommendations in CA?

It's time to change out our CRT TV up front, in our 2003 Travel Supreme. Looking to replace it with an LED TV and Sound bar. We've decided on the TV we want. Now, we're looking for someone to do the switch-over, which would include mounting the LED TV, and possibly a little cabinet work.

Any recommendations in California?
  • I did mine myself. The only problem was I started it about a year and a half ago and still haven't finished it. I have the front TV up and working, but still need to finish some trim around it. I have the wiring all done for the rear TV, but it isn't installed yet. Maybe I'll quit procrastinating and get it done.
  • Try Rolling Audio in Roseville.
    They do all kinds of electronics and do excellent work for reasonable prices. They upgraded our old black and white CRT backup monitor and camera with a full color system.
  • Ask the high school shop class, they always look of projects. Do high schools still have shop classes?
  • Assuming you're actually located in Valley Springs, CA, my favorite shop is located about 85 miles from you.

    Affordable RV
    9994 Hillview Rd
    Newcastle, CA
    Contact: Dassen Murchie
    Cell No: 530-392-0373

    If he can't do it, he'll tell you upfront. If he says he can do it, it will be done right.
  • Try here but I have not used them
    Seems exactly what you need
  • DeMartini in Grass Valley has a large service department so they might be able to do, but I haven't had much done there. There's also RMechanic in Livermore, you might give them a call. They're good folks.