Forum Discussion

campedfire's avatar
Aug 05, 2013

Dinghy Towing

Hello All,
Is anyone using a 2011 Chevrolet HHR as their towed vehicle? Is this a good vehicle to use, or which ones are the best? I know I'll properly get a lot of answers with that second question.
  • We have towed three vehicles, starting with a manual transmission Ford Ranger, then a 2001 all wheel/automatic transmission Honda CR-V and after that a 2009 CR-V. All were very satisfactory as towed vehicles. We liked the CR-V the best because we seldom needed the truck.
  • This is our second HHR.. easy to tow four down. I took out the fuse you have to pull and replaced it with a fused switch. Put it in neutral, flip the switch and go. No mileage recorded while towing. I use a Blue Ox baseplate and a ReadyBrute tow bar. Time to hook up...about 90 seconds....weighs 3150# wet..and gets a reasonable 27-32mpg. The back seat folds flat for more storage while moving. We got the LT model, (larger engine) with heated leather interior and all the appointments. Bummed GM stopped production......Dennis
  • We tow a 2009 Jeep Wrangler manual transmission with a 2002 Itasca 32V Sunrise. Just put 3000 miles on the duo going to Lake Powell and back. Have towed the Jeep all over the Northwest, no problems as yet.
  • The Chevy HHR is GREAT.
    We bought one of the first in 2006 and sold it with about 150,000 miles SHOWING to friends with a motorhome. My wife had insisted we buy a 2011 HHR when GM announced they were stopping production. The HHR is her normal driver when we are at home.
    So easy to tow by just shifting to neutral, key to ACC. On long travel days we also pull the 2 amp fuse to keep the battery voltage up.
  • Yes, the HHR is an excellent tow car, light weight and great gas mileage for when you get there. I towed one for 3 years and was very satisfied, no problems at all.
  • Yes. the HHR is 4 down towable ( check the owners manual to be sure)

    As for the many opinions you are looking for, we tow a wrangler.
    Once you go jeep. you'll never go back.