gotsmart wrote:
mowermech wrote:
I never leave the key in the Jeep when we are stopped. The first thing I do when we stop is remove the key and lock the doors. After all, I have an expensive Yaesu radio in there, and I don't want to make it easy for somebody to get it!
The last thing I do before we leave is unlock the Jeep, put the key in, and set it to unlock the steering.
The same procedure, EVERY time!
Those FT-101s can be a pain to replace. lol :W
Actually, the FT-101ZD is on the desk in the home radio shack, with an Astatic D-104 lollipop mic attached. It feeds a Butternut antenna through a Dentron Super Tuner. Besides, it is a 110VAC unit.
However, the FT-301 series are 12VDC, and can be used in a mobile application. IF you have lots of room.
The Jeep has an FT-857D. Nice radio, but pricey!
There are almost always half a dozen or more FT-101s of various models, on eBay.
I just checked, there are currently 12 radios and 373 parts/accessories listed under "Yaesu FT-101"!