Nov 17, 2016Explorer
Dometic RM2652
When plugged into shore power and LP tank is on the Auto light comes on but the LP and AC lights are off. If I press the button to switch it to gas nothing happens
bjarnold wrote:
Got home from work and checked on the fridge. Now when selected AUTO only the GAS light comes on but I can not hear the gas valve open or ignitor. This is with the coach plugged into shore power and I have confirmed I have 110 volts at the receptacle where the fridge is plugged in and 12 volts at the junction box. I am leaning towards the circuit panel
Steve 83406 wrote:
When a Dometic fridge is plugged into shore power, they will not work on propane. They are programmed to work on shore power first. At least that's what the service manual says and that's the way mine works.
bjarnold wrote:
I checked it this morning and the freezer was at -10 degrees with the temperature control set at 4. That is with it running on AC power but the indicator bulb is not on. Are they replaceable if it's a burned out bulb?
bjarnold wrote:
When plugged into power the only light that comes on is the auto light. The AC power light is off. When I switch it to gas while it's plugged in nothing happens, no operation at all