To the people that read this all RVs don't have problems. We have had several RVs over the years our firs RV was a older Class C with a 350 Chev engine that we winterized for winter skiing ( no problems) a Damon 36 foot Class A with gas (no problem) a 1999 38 foot Holiday Rambler with Cummings/Allison we put at least 30,000 miles on it - sold it to our friends and they are still bringing it to Puerto Vallarta with no problems. We then bought a 2004 40 foot Zanzibar Safari Cummings/Allison which we drove to Alaska, across Canada down the east coast to Yuma, AZ and onto Mexico 3 times to PV (wish we still had it) downsized to a 2004 TIOGA/Ford V10 30 foot so we could go to our fishing holes no problems. We have NEVER had a problem with any of our units.
It is unfortunate that people do have problems but not everyone does and so don't be afraid to GO RVING. We have for 20 years and still love it.