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wingardc's avatar
Apr 10, 2016

DPF System issues with 2013 Monaco by Navistar

• We have a 2013 (built in 2012) Monaco Diplomat that has for the last 4 months had serious DPF system issues that have put us in the shop more than on the road. Wondering if anyone else has a Monaco built by Navistar that is having the same issues. Synopsis below - sorry for the length.
We bought the coach in Jan 2014 and since then have had over 127 regens with only a little over 39,000 miles. First year, no problems! Then in Dec 2015, the MIL lamp illuminated indicating a malfunction in emission system and that it needed to be checked out. Took it to an International svc center in St. Augustine, FL (Where we live) and they replaced fuel pump and filter after troubleshooting. Also had issue with VIN number in ECM not matching up due to capital and non-capital letters. Had to contact a Navistar repair advocate to get help - motorhome would not run until that was fixed.
3 days after getting motorhome back, we left on 2 Jan to go to AZ - 2nd day into trip, MIL illuminated again and stayed on for 3 days. Noted power loss in TX and took it in and had the primary fuel/water separator filter replaced. Power return but MIL stayed on for the rest of the day. Next 2 days, no issues. On return trip from AZ to FL, 30 mins into the first day of driving, stage 3 lamp and alarm came on and we had to pull over and do a parked regen. Next 3 days no issues. 4th day, 1 1/2 hrs into trip, stage 3 lamp and alarm and we pulled over and did a parked regen. Following the successful regen, we started back driving and 20 minutes later got the stage 3 lamp and alarm and pulled over again for a parked regen. We got on the phone and found an International Svc center 3 miles away in Shreveport, LA. Contacted them and they said to bring it in the next morning. We did and they had it for 3 days. During that time they detected faults and removed the fuel pump and filter housing and discovered what looked like small rocks in the well of the fuel filter. A new assembly was put on. Another fault was the DPF - the removed it and air pressure cleaned it. Fault of a pressure sensor and DPF fuel injection was next and we believe that they replaced those.
Leaving there and heading back to FL, the next day, we noticed blue and black smoke coming out the exhaust. No lights, no alarms, no loss of power. We continued traveling home and the smoking continued off and on. Took it to Mauldin International in Jacksonville, FL where they replaced the DPF fuel injector gasket and turbo intake air pressure sensor. Took the RV home and during our every 2 week drive of 25 miles, no more issues.
On Mar 15th, we left for Decatur, IN for some extended warranty work on the coach and on day 2 of the trip, the MIL started flashing, smoke, some loss of power. MIL soon stopped flashing and we traveled to our destination with intermittent smoke from exhaust. Next day, smoke off and on and then 11 miles from CG, stage 1 lamp on and stayed on until we parked at CG. The next day we had to do a parked regen 30 minutes into trip. Smoking. Stage 1 lamp illuminated, stage 2 lamp illuminated but no stage 3. Lamps went off, still smoking next 150 miles to CG. Next morning, 20 minutes into trip, stage 3 lamp and alarm, pulled over and did a parked regeneration. Still smoking. No more alerts before we got to REV Service Center in Decatur, IN
While in Decatur, we contacted an International Svc center in town and made an appointment that Thurs to have it checked out. They found that the DPF was cracked and the seals were blown. A new DPF with core and sensors was installed and the ECM updated.
We left there feeling that finally the DPF System issues were resolved - we had all new stuff!!! NOT - On day 3 of trip back to FL, at 1 1/2 hour into trip, stage3 lamp and alarm do we pulled over and did a parked regen. Once were on back on the road, 45 mins later we had to do another parked regen, the CO alarm was sounding in the bedroom, black smoke, stage 2 lamp illuminated and MIL illuminated. We contacted an International Svc Center nearby in Macon, GA. They told us to bring in the next day. We limped into a CG and the next morning took the motorhome in for health report - they found some codes, fixed them; still getting codes - now think it is an electrical issue. Can't figure out what to do to fix it!!! It has been there 9 days now.
If anyone has had similar issues with the DPF system on Monaco Diesel Pushers built by Navistar and have had resolution, could you please share with us!!!!???
  • Wow that some serious problems, while it may never have been in a flood I suspect it had some serious electrical issues. Which can happen with any of them. Glad to hear you we're able to get out of it without to much of a hit.
  • Hope that you have many years and miles ahead of you of trouble free camping.

  • Thank you all for your replies and insight. We did buy it new (2014) and as far as we know never was in water. We finally contacted the RV company we bought it from and they found us a comparable coach (2006 - before DPF) and we traded it and even got our monthly payment lowered! We are so glad not to be stressing about the DPF and are once again "happy campers"!
  • I have a 2012 Monaco Knight I purchased new in early 2012, MaxxForce 10 engine. The first year or so I had the two ECM updates done and nothing else. Engine runs great and in almost 30,000 miles I have never had to do a regen.
    There is definitely something wrong with your unit.

    Note that Navistar started using these engines sometime in the 2011 model year.
  • Friend of ours bought a 2012 Holiday Rambler Endeavor (sister coach to your Diplomat). This was the first year with Navistar motor. He has had some similar issues with DPF - he does not drive as many miles but when the DPF was determined to be cracked and got replaced under warranty, coach seems to be working fine now. Navistar was the only MFR to not use DEF for NOx control which meant they had to use lots of EGR. Did not work out well for driveability and so he has had several reflashes of computer for improved driveability.
  • Our 2008 Monaco Dynasty was the first year of the DPF. Did not have one issue with it over 7.5 yrs. and almost 70,000 miles. We had a regen about once every 8K-10K miles.

    Now, with the new 2015 and 24,000 miles, no problems with the DPF and using DEF. It has gone through 2 regeneration cycles.

    Brother bought a new 2014 Tiffin 1.5 yrs. ago with DPF that also has DEF, no problems there either.

    Another brother bought a new 2015 RAM diesel last October to pull his travel trailer and no problems.

    Luck? I don't know.

  • I do not have a Navistar but I did purchase a new RAM Eco Diesel truck a year ago. I love the truck but am very disappointed with the amount of times I have had it into the dealership for reprogramming. It goes into regen probably once a week. Thanks to the new government pollution controls on diesel engines. I don't believe the manufacturers have a very good solution.
    I'm glad our 2001 diesel motorhome has an older engine. I don't think I could take two vehicles with the same issues.
    Good Luck let us know if you find a solution or they give you a new engine.
  • There seems to be a lot of conflicting issues with your coach. Did you buy it new?
    The reason I ask is to know if anyone has inspected it to see if there was possibly some exposure to high water. Not necessarily a total flood but high enough to get in to the basement compartments and some of the engine electrical connections that seem to be failing on an unpredictable basis. From having experience with vehicles that have been in deep water, they can look good but the electrical connections will continue to corrode and cause future problems.