SuzzeeeQ2012 wrote:
well, we drove it home today. Got used to riding in it in about, oh, 2 minutes :) Only one problem. We FROZE. There was heat coming out, but not transferring to the rest of the coach. I don't look forward to wearing coats, gloves and hats like I did today on our trip. We can't figure out how to get the radio to work, either. What else....the heater thermostat doesn't work either, gotta get that fixed. brrrrr...I'm still chilled from the 3 1/2 hour drive home. lol Sure is fun riding in it :)
Congratulations on getting your new diesel motorhome. From your other post, I see that you have a 1999 Holiday Rambler Endeavor....37 foot, which will be very much like my motorhome.
The engine that produces the hot coolant for the heater is a loooooong way from the heater. If like my coach, the hot coolant does not flow directly to the heater, but first goes through the outside jacket of the water heater (to give you hot water while on the road). This will reduce the coolant temp a little bit. Moving that coolant through 37 feet of heater hose will also cool it a little. My motorhome has very poor dash heat, and always has. I'll admit that I've done little to try to correct this problem. I have sealed up some air leaks along the front of the motorhome to reduce the air infiltration while moving down the road.
When we travel in the cold, I run the generator and the two roof heat pumps, or if it's really cold I run the propane furnace.