California has a speed limit sign when towing '55 mph when towing'.... so, it's 55-58 in California. Once we're out of CA, I'll hang closer to 60 mph.
While in Texas when the posted speed is 80 mph, I'll move up to 65 mph as I don't want to be going too slow.
I have driven the coach for hours at 70 mph as that's what it was built for. As an above poster mentioned, the fuel usage increases exponentially at higher speeds.
55 mph = 7.0 mpg
60 mph = 6.5 mpg
65 mph = 6.0 mpg
70 mph = 5.5 mpg
We weigh in at 55,500 lbs. We have a 500 hp Volvo diesel engine with 1,750 lb. ft. of torque.